Earnings Disclaimer

This website and all of the information on it and services provided through it is owned by Emily Page, LLC (“Emily Page ”, “we” and “our” and “us”). This Earnings Disclaimer (the “Disclaimer”), in concert with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy determine the rules of how you can use the website, https://www.emilyannepage.com, http://starttosoldpodcast.com, http://StartToSoldGrowthCourse.EmilyAnnePage.com (the “Site”) and how you access our content and services, either as a paying customer or simply a website visitor.

We highly encourage you to read this Disclaimer and our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before you explore our website, just so you are clear on expectations from using the Site. Your continual use of the Site will be deemed acceptance of the terms in our aforementioned documents. Of course, if you do not wish to be bound by our terms, policies and disclaimers, you can always leave the Site immediately and at your choice never return. It’s up to you!

No Guarantees

You are going to see these words, ‘No Guarantees’ a lot in our Disclaimer, so we thought we would put it front stage and center. What does no guarantees mean? It means we cannot ensure your results due to following our advice with any action or inaction, paying for our courses or consulting or listening or reading any portion of our educational contents. Ideas shared are based on methods that have at one time worked for other people in the past in order to educate and inspire you on options available to you.

You understand that Emily Page does NOT make guarantees whatsoever of any results based on any action or inaction relating to your business, revenue, product development, sales, profit, or personal satisfaction with life based on the information we share or services we sell or share for free through the Site.

We cannot be responsible or make any promises for what will happen in your life and business. This means any story we have told about our success, past client success or even any success you personally received using our methods one or two or three times for the same person – cannot be construed as a guarantee for your future results on the fourth try. There are SO many variables that determine success which you alone can control combined with unexplainable acts of God/nature/luck/chance. To be clear we love you – but we cannot make a promise for results whatsoever.


The intention of the information we share and post on the Site is for educational, inspirational and promotional purposes only. We are sharing all elements we have learned or observed through experience in order to help support and inspire you.

Any advice on the website is not to be construed as “telling you what to do.” Emily Page has developed processes and collected information based on some observed successful business owners and personal experience. Anything shared with you is meant to help give YOU ideas for options of what you “can” do and to encourage you in your journey. Your choice to be educated on our Site or rely on Emily’s advice, teaching or principles is your choice.

You Are Responsible For Your Own Actions

As a condition of using this Site, you agree you will be prudent and consult with additional professionals and trusted advisors before making any significant decisions regarding your life or business based on the information you find on the Site.

You cannot hold us liable in any way for any actions you take or do not take based on our content on this website. Your actions are your choice and responsibility. As are your results.

Not a client…yet!

By accessing and using the Site, there is no client-professional relationship created between you and Emily Page. You will only be a client once you sign a contract that we send to you officially creating a professional-client relationship.


All of the content we put on the Site is intended to be as accurate and helpful as possible in providing you with helpful information for your life and your business. We will never intentionally mislead you, but it may be that we are human (well, we are!) and we make a mistake.


We are proud of outcomes created by clients and course attendees! As well as friends and peers – their results are a product of their hard work and efforts. Their success is NO GUARANTEE of your results if you work with Emily Page.

Earnings Disclaimer

It may happen that we share some of our clients’ success stories and some specifics around what their success looks like. Once again, their success is NOT A GUARANTEE for your success and we are simply showing what results are possible through our programs, not that everyone will get these results from our programs and services.

For the majority of what we review, we are doing so from our heart without any ancillary benefit to use except knowing that we are sharing something we love. If we have an affiliation or talk about a company or entrepreneur, it is because we love to think they can benefit you. You will always be the one to decide if a purchase feels right and we encourage you to be diligent in making any such decisions. If we get a kickback from an affiliation, it never comes at a cost to you and we will disclose it.

What we do is everything we can to help you succeed, but ultimately your ability to build a successful business and achieve the results you desire depends on a multitude of factors, chiefly you. We make NO GUARANTEES related to any specific success you may experience by using our services and programs. It is entirely possible, although unlikely, that you can do one of our courses or be coached by us and receive no income at all. Anything is possible. We ask you to fully grasp this concept before you use the Site and enjoy our services.

Releasing Emily Page of Liability

Emily Page will not be liable for any actions you do or not take based on the information on the Site and the products or services sold through the Site. None. Emily Page will not be liable for any damages based on your participation of using the Site or through anything you have purchased through the Site.

Further, you understand that by the fullest extent permissible by law that Emily Page will not be held responsible for any form of damages or any legal claims against it based out of your use of the Site and through any of the services or products purchased through the Site.

Reach Out

​Please feel free to email with any questions. info@emilyannepage.com.​

DATE: January 1, 2021